Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Checkin In

Every day I feel that I need to check in with my roommates, my family (most of the time) our BFA facebook group, and other various things. once a week I usually go on craigslist or linkedin to check job opportunities and scan through requirements. I like to see what companies are looking for. I also check in with my boyfriend to just see whats up, how was work/school/etc. I also check in with my refrigerator. I always do this several times before I decide what i want to eat, unless i have leftovers. I always keep my eye out for random flyers/pics/type that I like so I can add to my book.

Wine Bottle Progress

Here are some pics from my process of making my frosted bottles!

Inspired by Doing

I have been collecting things that I find the I either like or dont like. I have been stapling them in a big sketchbook so that I can have a record!